Monday, July 30, 2007

A Distant Dream...!


Perhaps, thats what pushing these young men up the task hill!

Sinhaghad Fort, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Walls That Succumbed To Valour...


There is a mysterious charm that is always associated with these remains of the ancient forts. And with all those stories associated with this fort, i was more than amazed!

Sinhaghad Fort, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Monday, July 16, 2007

Balancing Life...


Its still too early in the morning and a time to savour the beauties of this fresh beginning. But this gentleman who runs a small canteen on the hilltop, gets up to the task. For him, Perhaps, the beauty lies in the daily bread!

Sinhaghad Fort, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Friday, July 06, 2007

Misty Green!


When sunrays havent yet melted the dew of the early morning completely, these trees dress themselves in those misty hues, and make a visual treat.

On a side note, trees on hills are never this pampered, but this one an exception. Looks like someone really watering it everyday!

Sinhaghad Fort, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Beautiful Bend...


In a journey, Some turns are so beautiful to look at, you actually wonder whether its really worth taking that turn...

Sinhaghad Fort, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Photo Blog Blogs by Indian Bloggers